Teachers Colleges in Papua New Guinea
Teachers colleges are among the declared Tertiary Institutions in Papua New Guinea. Every year, these colleges take in school leavers (Grade 12s) or non school leavers who want to become teachers in the elementary, primary and secondary sectors. Most trainings are done for elementary and the primary sector while secondary school teacher training is done by some universities as well as few colleges. See the list provided below.
Requirement for Enrollment for most teachers colleges in PNG
The requirements of Enrolment for teachers colleges in Papua New Guinea are
C grades or above in all subjects studied at grade 12 level or at least a GPA of 2.4 and above.
Note: All application processes are done through the NOAS system facilitated by PNG's Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) for school leavers (current Grade 12s). Its is required that, students must put first choice on the School Leaver from on the NOAS application. For non school leavers, you have to write to the teacher college directly and request for application forms usually in mid year annually.
These are the teachers colleges in Papua New Guinea that offer Diploma in Primary Teaching
Requirement for Enrollment for most teachers colleges in PNG
The requirements of Enrolment for teachers colleges in Papua New Guinea are
C grades or above in all subjects studied at grade 12 level or at least a GPA of 2.4 and above.
Note: All application processes are done through the NOAS system facilitated by PNG's Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) for school leavers (current Grade 12s). Its is required that, students must put first choice on the School Leaver from on the NOAS application. For non school leavers, you have to write to the teacher college directly and request for application forms usually in mid year annually.
These are the teachers colleges in Papua New Guinea that offer Diploma in Primary Teaching
- Dauli Teachers College - Tari, Hela Province
- Enga Teachers College - Wabag, Enga Province
- Holy Trinity Teachers College , Mt Hagen, Western Highlands Province
- Melanesian Nazarene Teachers Colleges - Kinden, Jiiwaka Province
- Simbu Teachers College - Kundiawa, Chimbu Province
- Southern Highlands Teachers College Nipa, Southern Highlands Province
- Balob Teachers College - Lae, Morobe Province
- Madang Teachers College - Madang, Madang Province
- St Benedicts Kaindi Teachers College - Divine Word University Campus (Branch) - Wewak, East Sepik Province
- Kabaleo Teachers College - Kokopo, East New Britain Province,
- Sonoma Adventist Teachers College - Rabaul, East New Britain Province
- Sacred Heart Teachers College - Port Moresby, National Capital District
- Katagu Lutheran Teachers College ( yet to be registered)
- Gaulim Teachers College - Rabaul, East New Britain Province
- PNG Education Institute - Port Moresby, National Capital District
- Rev Maru Teachers College - Wewak, East Sepik Province
- Kimbe Teachers College - Kimbe, West New Britain Province
Colleges and Universities that Train Secondary Teachers in PNG
The following institutions offer Bachelors program in Secondary Teaching
- University of Goroka - Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province
- Pacific Adventist University - Port Moresby, National Capital District
- Don Bosco Technical Institute - Port Moresby, National Capital District
- St Peter Channel College of Secondary Teacher Education - Kokopo , East New Britain Province
- Divine Word University - Madang, Madang Province.
- Western Pacific University - Ialibu , Southern Highlands Province (under construction)
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