Madang Teachers College

- Where is Madang Teachers College located?
- What are the Course Programs at Madang Teachers College?
- What are the Enrollments and Admission Requirements at Madang Teachers College?
School Leavers : School leavers (Current Grade 12s) who want to study at Madang Teachers College can apply through the Grade 12 School Leaver form (SLF). You as a 12 student must fill the School Leaver Form (SLF) both manually and online facilitated by Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) through the National Online Application System (NOAS).
GPA and Requirements : Madang Teachers College requires a GPA of 2.4 or above or at least B in English and Mathematics and C in other subjects studied in year 12.
- Non School Leaver Forms for Madang Teachers College
- How to Get Non School Leaver Application Forms for Madang Teachers College?
Fill the form and send it to the college. Selections are done by the National Department of Education in Port Moresby.
Non-School Leavers must have good grades in their upgraded Certificates or must have good recommendation from the organisation you have worked with.
- HECAS and Non School Leavers Acceptance List for Madang Teachers Colleges
- Why Study at Madang Teachers College?
Teaching practicum is usually conducted in third year and students are sent to schools within and outside the province.
- What are the courses or subjects offered by Madang Teachers College?
- What are Madang Teachers College Fees like?
Usually, the colleges fees in the following range
School Leavers : K5000 - K7000 per year
Self-Sponsor : K7000 - K10000 annually.
- Contact Addresses and Phone Numbers for Madang Teachers College
P O Box 218, Madang 511
Madang Province
Papua New Guinea
Phone: (675) 422 229 / 852 2539 / 4228082
Fax: (675) 422 2293 / 4228293
Mobile : 71411171 / 79792925
Email:[email protected]
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