Port Moresby National High School

Port Moresby National High School is one of the School of Excellence in Papua New Guinea. The school is located in the heart of Port Moresby city in the suburbs of Waigani. Other School of Excellence in PNG are :
- Sogeri National High School
- Aiyura National High School
- Wawin National High School
- Passam National High School
- Kerevat National High School
Enrollments at Port Moresby National High School
The enrollments at Port Moresby National High School is through the Grade 10 School Leavers Form SLF. Port Moresby National High School do not select students outside of Port Moresby. This is due to the school being day school. Students doing Grade 10 in Port Moresby schools can apply to study at the Port Moresby National High School. Follow the steps below.
- Indicate the choice of National High School on the Grade 10 School Leaver Form.
- Guardian or Parent should write a letter to the principal regarding the students interest to study at the School. This letter can be either attached with the school leaver form or send it directly to the principal prior to the selections.
- If the student performances well in the grade 10 exams, he or she would be selected. Please note the students character report also influence selections.
Subjects studied at Port Moresby National High School
Port Moresby National High School only enrolls Grade 11 and 12 students. Thus the following subjects are offered. This is for the high school certificate program.
Science Courses
Arts Courses
How to Apply to Study at Port Moresby National High School?
The application process to study at Port Moresby National High School is simple. Follow the steps below.
- You must be in Grade 10
- Fill the School Leaver Form and indicate Port Moresby National High School
- Write a letter of Expression to the Principal and attach it with your school leaver form.
- You must get Credits and Distinctions in your Grade 10 Examination Results.
- You must live in Port Moresby
- Transfer within National high schools are allowed but not secondary schools.
- Principal does the selections for Grade 11 and if your name is selected, goodluck.
Port Moresby National High School Contact Addresses
Postal Address
P O Box 1004, Waigani
National Capital District
Papua New Guinea
Phone : 326 2855 / 326 2864
Email :
Website :
P O Box 1004, Waigani
National Capital District
Papua New Guinea
Phone : 326 2855 / 326 2864
Email :
Website :
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