Buru Energy Scholarship for Women in Petroleum Geoscience

This is a scholarship opportunity for Australian Women. The Buru Energy Limited have donated the sum funds to The University of Western Australia (‘the University') to provide scholarships to support female students undertaking research and studies in petroleum geoscience in Australia.
The purpose of the Scholarship is to encourage and assist female students to undertake research and studies in petroleum geoscience.
Scholarship Program
This scholarship is available for post graduate research
Field of study
Mining and Petroleum Sector
Number of Scholarship : One (per year)
Scholarship value : $10, 000 per annum
Method of Scholarship payment
Duration of study
Duration of scholarship: The scholarship is tenable for the duration of the course for which the scholarship is awarded, or the standard full-time equivalent if approval has been granted for part-time study on the grounds that there are exceptional circumstances which preclude full-time study.
The purpose of the Scholarship is to encourage and assist female students to undertake research and studies in petroleum geoscience.
Scholarship Program
This scholarship is available for post graduate research
Field of study
Mining and Petroleum Sector
Number of Scholarship : One (per year)
Scholarship value : $10, 000 per annum
Method of Scholarship payment
- Two equal instalments each year, paid on or after the academic census date in each semester.
- Continued payment of instalments for the scholarship is subject to the recipient meeting the criteria for continuation set out in 12.
Duration of study
Duration of scholarship: The scholarship is tenable for the duration of the course for which the scholarship is awarded, or the standard full-time equivalent if approval has been granted for part-time study on the grounds that there are exceptional circumstances which preclude full-time study.
Concurrent scholarships: The scholarship may be held concurrently with any other scholarship or award provided that this is permitted by the conditions of the concurrent scholarship or award.
Eligibility requirements:
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship a student must be--
Eligibility requirements:
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship a student must be--
- female;
- enrolled or eligible to enrol in either--
- an honours course in geology; or
- a master’s by thesis and coursework degree course in geoscience or petroleum geoscience; and
- undertaking research and studies in the field of petroleum geoscience.
- enrolled full-time in the course for which the scholarship has been awarded to the recipient unless there are exceptional circumstances1 which preclude full-time enrolment; and
- commencing research and studies in the field of petroleum geoscience.
- 1 Exceptional circumstances include, but are not limited to, a medical condition and major family commitments.
Academic achievement.2 - 2 Academic achievement is determined by the applicant’s weighted average mark (WAM) or equivalent WAM as determined by the University.
Continuation of the scholarship is subject to the recipient--
The scholarship—
For details of the Application process and the scholarship deadlines, check out the official website on the link below.
Go to Official Website
- remaining enrolled in the course for which the scholarship has been awarded to the recipient;
- making satisfactory progress in accordance with the rules for the course in which the student is currently enrolled; and
- being enrolled as a full-time student unless approval has been granted for part-time enrolment on the grounds that there are exceptional circumstances which preclude full-time study.
The scholarship—
- may only be suspended after the first academic census date following the commencement of the scholarship; and
- may be suspended for up to two semesters during the tenure of the scholarship subject to approval by the Coursework Scholarships Committee.
- Applications are called for by Coursework Scholarship and Prizes and must be submitted by the advertised closing date.
- Applicants who have undertaken study at a tertiary institution other than the University, written applications must be accompanied by a copy of the applicant's academic record from that institution.
For details of the Application process and the scholarship deadlines, check out the official website on the link below.
Go to Official Website
Other International Scholarships
Below is a list of scholarships that students can apply to study abroad. Check out the application processes including the requirements and the due dates of those scholarships.
Check out also list of Australian Scholarships